Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Entry #4: Raw and Unedited Nonsense Musings from a Deadbeat Airplane Passenger

There was a mini baroque orchestra at gate 52. They were a sound for sore ears. Can you say that?

I`m flying over Newfoundland and I can`t sleep. I can`t see a duuurned thing

It`s -50 degrees out where I am, some eleven kilometres aloft. Too cool for school

It`s queer to think that I share my exact coordinates with the waves and the ecosystems deep under the ocean. They seem worlds away. I would totally swim right now

If I left the plane on foot right now, it would take me about two hours to walk back to earth
but only about a minute to fall through the air

I`m trying to remember how to calculate the speed of the fall of an object based on mass and velocity, but high school physics feel very distant presently

I don`t party with metal birds
Up all night
Can`t see a durned thing
Ask for my boarding pass watch me
Sweat demand my passport see me
Tremble I
Am a nervous flier
I am a nervous flyer
A scuttle old grocery flyer
Buy my cantaloupes
Purchase these Little Debbie cakes


1 comment:

  1. This is very you. I hear you talking as you say these things. I miss you.
